Thai traffic in the service of Israeli colonization


This gallery contains 3 photos.

The violence and massive strikes of Palestinian workers that took place during the two Intifadas1 paralyzed the Israeli economy, heavily dependent on Palestinian labor, following the closure of the borders between Israel and the West Bank by the occupying army.. … Continue reading


Being an agricultural worker in an Israeli settlement in the West Bank


This gallery contains 5 photos.

BY OUESSALE EL ASSIMI, December 2013. PICTURES: Guillaume de Crop, October 2013. The Jordan Valley is located in the East of the West Bank, by the Jordanian border, in Area C[1]. 95% of the Jordan Valley is under Israeli military … Continue reading


Socle commun d’ECVC « Travailleurs saisonniers, migrations et agriculture »


Socle commun de la Coordination européenne Via Campesina (ECVC) Nous considérons que l’emploi agricole et rural en Europe et dans le monde doit être une priorité des politiques agricoles. La politique européenne agricole actuelle, liée aux intérêts de l’OMC et … Continue reading
