For immediate release – 03/10/2014 New research by ‘la Confédération Paysanne’ and ‘The Landworkers’ Alliance’ has uncovered the negative impact of the British industrial food production system on its workers. Interviews with workers, trade union representatives and support organisations revealed … Continue reading
Category Archives: United Kingdom
Cheap food has a cost for migrant and agency workers

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The food sold in British supermarkets can be labelled either as ‘local’, ‘organic’, or even ‘fair trade’ when it comes from overseas countries, but no label guarantees that workers who produced, processed and packaged it in the UK enjoyed fair … Continue reading
“Manolada Strawberry Trial: Shame on you!” Our press release in the Landworkers’ Alliance newsletter
The Landworkers’ Alliance is a producer led organisation campaiging for the rights of small-scale food, fuel and fibre producers and a better food system in Britain. They are members of La Via Campesina. They relayed our press release on Manolada … Continue reading
Our flyers are available in English, French, Greek and Portuguese

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Les plaquettes de présentation du programme sont disponibles en anglais, en français, en grec et en portugais. Our flyers are available in English, French, Greek and Portuguese. Os panfletos de apresantação do programa estão disponíveis em inglês, francês, griego e … Continue reading
Sam Scott: Challenge the climate of fear that workers face within the industry

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Sam Scott is a Senior Lecturer in Geography at the University of Gloucestershire. He carried out two researches on forced labour for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. In this interview, he comes back to his findings after interviewing over 60 migrant … Continue reading